Sunday 24 April 2016


BLINK,BLINK ,your whole world may get changed,we all are surrounded by so many people around us,we might not know who has got what intention towards,specially women in the workfield need to learn the art of self defense.

we all live in a society which consatntly keeps changing at a very fast pace,but wish the stereotype towards women could be changed,its high time that we show the people who have the mindset of 'women as subject to their authority .A reply that we are no longer going to be the puppets of your hand,we dont need your help to protect us.we all have got a strong heritage which shows the power of women who have fought back courageously.

we all should know some basic self defense techniques and i mention a few down here:

Prevention Is the Best Self-Defense

First, remember that prevention is the best self-defense. Attackers, whatever their objectives, are looking for unsuspecting, vulnerable targets. So be sure to follow general safety tips like being aware of your surroundings, only walking and parking in well-lit areas, keeping your keys in hand as you approach your door or car, varying your route and times of travel, and other personal security precautions.


As soon as the attacker touches you or it’s clear that escape isn’t possible, shout loudly (“BACK OFF!”) and push back at him or her (for simplicity’s sake we’re going to use “him” for the rest of the article, although your opponent could be female). This does two things: it signals for help and it lets the attacker know you’re not an easy targe

some other ways is to keep pepper spray,rod and learn martial arts.